You’ve searched around, talked to salesmen online and in person, signed the contract, and have been on the road driving for some time now. You’re left with the concern, how do I get the most of my new car, truck, or SUV? Regular maintenance, from tires, brakes, to fluids, is going to be instrumental to ensuring you can set yourself up to get the most out of your vehicle, for the longest amount of time. In this article we’ll be taking an introductory look at the basic practices you could take to keep your vehicle in top condition.
Traditionally it was recommended to change your oil every 3 months or 3,000 miles, whichever came first. And many still adhere to this schedule when getting their car serviced. Why was this? Older oil was more likely to degrade into sludge, with the rise of synthetic oils and the synthetic blend along with better engine technology and lubrication, most car manufacturers now recommend longer intervals between oil changes for the average driver. Typically, you should expect to have to change your oil every 5,000 to 7,500 miles.
Now, a number of conditions can affect just how often you should be changing your oil to keep your engine running smoothly. First, how you’re driving. If you frequently stop and go, say during traffic rushes commuting from work, you’ll place increased wear on your engine. In addition, extreme weather conditions like the heat waves of summer and the frigid winter temperature drops can also lead you to having to replace your oil more often. This is especially true if you’re idling your engine for an extended period of time, like when you’re warming up your vehicle in the morning before the daily rush begins.
It’s best to keep an eye on your oil level to make sure it doesn’t drop too low. And, make sure to consult your regular mechanic, your vehicle’s owner manual, or one of our service advisors here for a course of action to take away one worry of your vehicle’s upkeep.
Regular maintenance, like getting your oil and filters changed, is an important part of ensuring your vehicle’s future health. However, you should also seek more in depth service, typically once a year or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. For full service, you’ll want an expert mechanic to look at your vehicle’s brakes, battery, steering, and tires. We’ve gone into depth on what to look out for particularly in the winter, and maintaining your tires’ health in past articles.
Feel free to reach out to us here at the dealership for any questions regarding your vehicle’s maintenance. And, if you notice something’s not quite right, don’t wait until it becomes a danger to you or your loved ones. The best thing you can do is address the issue before it can arise through regular maintenance, and to get your car diagnosed when it’s sick, just like you would for yourself.
For more on everything automotive from the ins and outs of the car buying process to comparing when shopping make sure to check in here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as well as our YouTube where you can take an exclusive tour of all the amazing vehicles in our inventory and learn more about your vehicle’s tech!
The article above includes information collected from a variety of sources on vehicle maintenance. Consumers should pursue a variety of sources both online and with a trusted mechanic when making decisions regarding their vehicle’s maintenance. North End Motors Inc. is not to be held liable should the above information be used in any way other than for what it is intended to be, a short introduction to proper vehicle maintenance.